Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Purpose and Price of Purity

by: Karen Finn

Proverbs 31:10: “Who can find a virtuous woman?

For her price is far above rubies.”

I have read this verse many times, and have always thought of it as a challenge to the woman. As Proverbs 31 goes on to list all of the traits of this unique lady, I get exhausted thinking of what I have to live up to in order to meet the qualifications! But…guess what?! The theme of this passage is not only for women to develop godly attributes, but verse ten implies an additional challenge: the man who seeks such a wife must search diligently to FIND her!

The topic of purity is a subject that needs to be focused on a lot ~ especially since we live in a generation where purity is blatantly devalued or sometimes, even disregarded. It is becoming increasingly more difficult for a godly-minded man to find a woman worthy of this high calling.

For young Christian women, many of the biggest challenges they face (in their teen years) will be related to the topic of purity! Often, when we think about purity, we associate it with immoral/physical behavior; however, purity is represented in the way we dress, the way we speak and conduct ourselves around others. Even our innermost thoughts—if they are truly pure—should reflect a standard of living that pleases God first and foremost.


The command to be pure doesn’t end once married. It is a lifelong promise that mirrors God’s essence and character in our lives. First Peter 1:15-16 states: “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” It’s been said that, “Holiness is a characteristic unique to God’s nature that becomes the goal for human moral character.”

Many of us are familiar with First Corinthians 6:19-20—which says that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. As a believer in Christ, once accepting Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we have recognized that we were bought with a price. His death on the Cross has paid for our sin debt, and our body has now become the possession of God’s.

The Greek word used for temple in this passage is the same one that signifies “a sacred place” ~ the same word used throughout the Bible meaning “a sanctuary” (holy place). The Holy Spirit has taken up residence inside of us, and sin cannot reside with holiness. That’s why conviction (guilt) will nag away at one who is indulging in anything sinful and impure. We may attempt to push it away for a time being, but eventually, it will have to be addressed. Better to do it sooner than later! Because our bodies belong to God, we must not violate His standards for righteous living.


The price of a virtuous woman is described as “far above rubies”. Rubies are the rarest of all the gemstones. They are known for their hardness (strength), durability, luster (shine) and rarity. Our purity is all of that, and it is going to require strength and long-lasting commitment to maintain it!

It’s also interesting to note that the word price in this verse can be defined as value or cost, and is comparable to an item being completely surrendered over (i.e. a daughter given in marriage). So, the price (worth) of a virtuous woman goes way beyond the expectations of what a man may be seeking! It means THEY ARE GETTING MORE THAN THEY BARGAINED FOR! J

It’s okay for us to be confident in the fact that God has created us with a purpose to be the “help meet” to a special man. In Genesis 2:18, God said that “It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him an help meet (fit) for him.” And Proverbs 18:22 concurs that “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing”. Taking a vow of purity will enhance a woman’s radiance, reaping joy and peace. More importantly, God is pleased with our allegiance.


Ladies, what it comes down to, is the choices we make….the friends who influence us, the books we read and the places we go…These are some of the factors that will determine how “durable” that gemstone of purity really is! It is a rare treasure indeed.

Purpose now in your heart to not put yourself into any compromising situation. Protect your virtue at all costs, by having a battle plan ready, when faced with temptation. Use the Biblical truths of God’s Holy Word as your measuring stick and choose to humbly submit to its calling.

Here are some suggestions which can help purity remain a priority:

1.) Scripture memory is key! Hiding God’s Word in our heart is the best action we can employ to thwart sin (Psalm 119:11).

2.) Abstain from all appearance of evil. (1Thess. 5:22) Be aware of the

circumstances you place yourself in; if there is any question of integrity,

then remove yourself immediately from its presence or influence.

3.) Learn to recognize the Holy Spirit’s promptings He is real! If you

feel in your heart/soul that it’s wrong -- it probably is! Acting spiritually is a result of thinking spiritually. (Romans 8:5-8)

4.) Meditate on God’s Word daily His Word is the “Sword of the

Spirit”. (Eph. 6:17) Use it to defend yourself from Satan’s attacks on

your purity!

5.) Ask for prayer support If you’re struggling with certain

temptations, go to your parents (if a teen) or a trusted friend/adult, who can pray with you and offer godly counsel. Many women who have previously dealt with purity issues would welcome the opportunity to encourage you and support your decision to remain pure.

6.) Re-evaluate your motives and goals periodically Write them down,

and check where you’re at! Your walk with the Lord should always be

one going forward, not backwards. If you feel distant from Him, draw

closer, and He Will draw nearer to you~ that’s a promise in James 4:8!

How to draw closer? Read more, pray more, ask more, expect more!

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