This weekend I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Tom Farrell preach a powerful message on the goodness of God. It challenged me to think about how much God really has given us. We tend to focus on what we don't have, whether it be money we wish

we had or some thing that someone else has that we want. Some of us even have legitimate needs, maybe you have recently lost a job or have health issues which cause you to focus only on what God isn't giving you. Sometimes we are like the child who has a whole room full of toys but has to have the one toy that another child is holding. The truth is God has blessed us beyond belief. Start listing God's blessings in your life, start at the simple things like breath, the ability to read this blog and many other things that we take for granted. When you begin to fully see who God is and what He has done for you it makes you wonder how any of us could ever question Him or get angry with Him even if we do have legitimate needs. You see God always has our best interest in mind, everything He does is for our good for His glory. We just have to remind ourselves that we are foolish and if left to our own way would immediately destruct. There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. - Proverbs 14:12
The goodness of God isn't just something we should recognize and praise Him for, it's something that should drive us to want to serve Him. Once a person fully understands what God has done for them it's impossible not to respond with full surrender. Just think of Calvary, think of the details of Christ's suffering. It will bring tears to your eyes and conviction to your faith.
The problem with casual Christianity is that has never seen the goodness of God and it has certainly missed His sacrifice on Calvary.
God is good all the time.
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