The Big Story is a popular new way to present the "gospel", it was featured in Christianity Today and was nominated as the outreach idea of the year.
As Pastor is preaching through the series "Getting the Gospel Right" I think its important for us to see examples where the gospel is not being presented right. The Big Story is one of those examples. Here are a few reasons why the Big Story misses the Biblical Gospel...
1. No Emphasis on Sin. With statements like "Damaging the Planet" it seem clear right from the beginning that the theme of this presentation isn't on man's rebellion against God and his need to be reconciled to God. There is no mention of hell or the impact of sin on our lives only that we have damaged things and need to restore them. The sinner does not know why they are a sinner or really even what sin is from this presentation.
2. No Mention of Repentance. Turning from our sins and to God is the heart of the gospel and to have no mention of our need to repent causes the Big Story to miss the mark. Jesus repeaditly makes it clear that we are to repent of our sin but sin and repentance are two things that aren't part of the big story.
3. Jesus died to Heal the Planet? Instead of making it clear that Jesus died to save us from our sins, to reconcile us to God, to rescue us from eternity in Hell the Big Story basically says Jesus died so we could go recycle and plant trees.
4. Wrong Motives. When asked why we cant just go heal the planet without Jesus (which you can by the way) the response is "We need Jesus resources" so really this is primarily about doing good and healing the planet but we want people to get saved so we tell them they can really only help the planet if they do so as "Christians"?
The Big Story lacks any clear biblical teaching on the gospel. Instead of Jesus saying "I am the way, the truth and the life and no man cometh unto the Father but by Me" the message is "no man cometh unto the Father but through the recycling center" The Gospel isn't about healing the planet or even helping the poor and homeless, all those maybe good things but they are not why we need salvation. We need salvation because we have rebelled against God, we have chosen our own way over obedience to Him, our sin against Him has separated us from Him and will send us to Hell forever if we do not repent and turn to Him for mercy and grace. Getting the Gospel Right is key if we are going to see true conversions to Christ.
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