Fox News recently published an article on how religion is becoming extinct in 9 different countries and is fading around the world including in the United States.
This is alarming information, especially when you consider that within "religion" only a small portion represents Biblical Christianity. Is it possible that our country and our world could become nearly completely atheistic, that only a small handful of Christians could be left? Obviously God is in control of this world but I can't help but look around the American Church, which has in its arsenal more manpower, financial resources, gifts and abilities to use for God and wonder why so little is being used.
We Are All About Self
There is no other way to put it, the goal of young people growing up today is to find the perfect mate, go to college and "experience" life, get a high paying job, buy a nice house in the suburbs with a brand new car and go to church on Sunday Mornings. Sounds good, if life's about you. However if life is about God and His kingdom then why are we spending so much time building ours.
Misunderstanding of Ministry
Somehow we have gotten the idea that serving God is only for those in ministry. Sure we may work in the church nursery or sing in the church choir but thats about our limitation. Don't misunderstand those are good things that we should be doing and that is serving but what about giving your whole life to God? What about getting a burden for one of those 9 countries where Christianity is on the verge of becoming something you only read about in history books? What about putting God before yourself?
There is no doubt that God has a plan for this world and He is undoubtedly preparing it for the return of His Son but we are still left with the choice of Building our Kingdom or being a part of Building His.